Saturday, May 04, 2013

I came, I heard, I ignored

I scold her. She ignores. I make noises. She ignores. I call out. She ignores. I tell her to eat. She ignores. I tell her to eat fast. She ignores. When confronted with a WHY, she gives a silly reason, a perfect one that puts a full-stop on any further argument. Okay, we can't argue with her. We can only TELL her, firm and straight. She understands, yes. But she happily repeats it whenever she feels like. Is there an end to it? Dunno. Maybe, no.

Then I wonder, why? Because they're growing up? Getting more independent? Maybe, they think they're big enough to take a few decisions themselves, like when not to listen to Mommy, when not to eat, when to embarrass Mommy with a surprise tantrum, etc.

How to you deal with it? With patience, of course! Patience, which I'm always short of.

They have the Teachers' Appreciation Week at school next week, and San (Mommy) needs to write why Miss L is a star. I asked San, why. This is what she told me:

Because Miss L is a girl, and I'm a girl too.
Because Miss L lets me sleep.
Because Miss L helps me make crafts.
Because Miss L is my friend.

Miss L is gonna be very happy! :-)

A little update on her gymnastics class: San's picking up fast and getting over her shyness, gradually, although  she still goes into little bouts of distractions and dreaminess!

I'd never imagined myself doing a handstand, until San motivated me, and even taught me how. It felt like an achievement! :-D

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

The Liebster Award, yet again

It's the Liebster award again, yay! Not a very big yay though cuz' I've done it once already, and I've acted very lazy already to do this one. I'm doing it for you, Zini's Mommy! :-) Thank you for presenting this award to me! :-D

I've already told Zini's Mommy that I'm gonna cheat a bit!

Here are the rules of the Liebster Award:

1. Post 11 random facts about yourself.
2. Choose 11 deserving bloggers and tag them in your post.
3. Tell them you've tagged them.
4. Answer 11 questions the tagger has asked you and give 11 questions to the people you've tagged.
5. No tag backs.

For random facts about me, refer my previous post on The Liebster Blog Award.

Amby, Partha, and Zainab, lemme present this award to you all for being so regular with your blogs!
Recheck the rules that I mentioned above, and, here are your questions:

1. What's your favorite way to kill time?
2. Roses or Gerberas?
3. What would you do if you become invisible for a day?
4. What super-human ability would you like to possess?
5. Tea or Coffee?
6. What's your favorite season, and why?
7. Curly hair or Straight hair?
8. If you could go back and change one incident from your past, would you?
9. If you get a chance to change one thing about your country, what would it be?
10. Mountains or Beaches?
11. Your idea of a perfect birthday celebration?

And now, the answers to the questions that I've been asked!

1) What do you cook when suddenly some guests appear at your doorstep?! Pasta
2) How do you like to celebrate your b'day? With some flowers and a surprise!
3) Your favorite book? Can't specify one, but I really loved The Kite Runner.
4) What are the qualities that you admire the most in people? Honesty, Candidness
5) How did you meet your spouse? We started as chat friends, thanks to a common friend!
6) Do you plan for future? if yes, then what do you see yourself doing in after 20 years? Running a restaurant with my husband, writing a book, and doing some social service... (wow! I do have plans!)
7) What do you like the most about yourself? Umm...
8) What do you like the most about your spouse? His cool, his patience, his candidness.
9) Would you like to change something about your life? If yes, then what's it? Nope, can't disturb the chain of events that led me to where I am. I love it!
10) Do you easily get angry or are you one of those saints? What's your trick to keeping calm mind? I'm short-tempered! And I seriously need some anger management! Yet to learn the tricks to keep my cool.
11) What is your favorite comfort food? Poha!

I'm done! :-D