Thursday, November 02, 2017

Cool down, Mommy

I've heard myself say this a lot of times - "I'm gonna run away for a day, away from all of this, and do nothing, just nothing at all!" Yeah, it's only for a day cuz' where else can I be! This is my place. This is who I am. A Mommy, a wife. Did you hear a little 'sigh' there? Oops! :p

Those thoughts apart, I'm having a great time chasing my little hurricane who likes to toss food (and dirty laundry) around, eat off the floor and like a sloth, climb whatever is climbable, give lots of hugs (and calls them hubby), and keep Mommy on her toes all day. And as I write this post, she's trying to climb the chair to climb on me! She's also the savior, though. All the bad, angry, silly thoughts that cloud my mind go away when she climbs on me and gives a big monkey 'hubby'!


And then there's my good old eight-year old who has taken laziness to a whole new level :D  If she could, she can, any day, do without brushing her teeth, combing her hair, and bathing (and listening to us :p)! Such useless, time-consuming chores, aren't they? ;D

It's important to have a routine for kids and discipline them, but then, it's also important to cut them some slack, let them breathe, and take a candy break! Papa dear has been telling me this since ages now, but I'm being so stubborn and strict. Is it so hard to become a 'cool' Mommy?

Friday, August 04, 2017

The Everyday Stories

There's so much to write about, and so little time! Nah, there's always some time when I can write but I always choose to do something else, like watch TV or scroll through silly videos and happy pictures of people on Facebook. Sigh!

Anyhoo, life's busy. Nah, I make it look busy, but it's slow. The kids grow fast, though!

So we went to this little India trip last month. Oli turned into a social butterfly after coming back and San went into a cocoon. It's tough to understand their behavior at times. As parents, we should. We need to. But it's tough! Either you understand and do something about it, or just sit back with a cup of tea and enjoy it till it lasts. (Please don't take Mommy advice from me ever!) :D


Oli's a little hurricane, sweeping things away and destroying stuff as she runs around the house. Okay, it isn't as bad as I made it sound, but the hurricane part is true! :-D

When San was a toddler, I used to hear other Moms tell stories of their kids throwing food around, not leaving them alone even in the restroom, not sleeping well, not eating much, eating off all unclean places, being mean to other kids, and a lot more. I used to proudly look at my very nice child, San, and thank her for not giving me a similar story to tell. With Oli, I have them all! But then, I'm glad I have these stories to tell. When you go through it all, you go nuts. When you think about them at the end of the day, they are so funny that you want a repeat show! It's crazy!


Apart from the usual happy things, I'm figuring out how to handle my lazy eight year old who doesn't seem to hear a single word of Mommy's yap but gladly argues with her to the point of driving her up the wall, and my toddler princess who loves to throw things (and half of her food) and hit people.

Let them be? Yeah.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Don't let go the crazy

At times, you need to let go and let them be...

Let them throw the dirty laundry around, pull on the bed sheets, poke your eyes, hide bits of food in every corner of the house, mess up big sister's room, taste the crayons, pull out the leaves off of your one and only indoor plant, smear the TV screen with butter on their little hands, wet their clothes with milk dripping from the inverted bottle (it's fun to watch), nibble on the chargers, lick the dustpan, and also, pull on your clothes and tap on the keypad keys as you type this little message to vent Mommy feelings!

It's okay. All okay. Wouldn't make you crazier! You already are the queen of crazies! 

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Trophies galore

Trophies are cool. They are cooler when your kids bring them home. The big, shiny, happy trophies. In a Tae Kwon Do championship last weekend, San won three of those. Three firsts. Big, red, shiny, three firsts. My heart does a little happy dance every time I see them sitting happily in the living room. :)

San wasn't ready to take part in the competition at first. Then, at the last moment, she agreed. Before the competition started, she said, "Make Oli cheer and wave at me when I win that trophy!" And she did. And that is my very confident girl who always surprises us with her achievements!

Papa dear too had his moment of glory along with San with two firsts and a second. Yay moments! ☺️

Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Big Little 1 and more

I hope you noticed that I changed the blog title and address to include Oli's name. I'd been meaning to do this since quite some time now, but then people had started asking me how I plan to write about Oli, and it had to be along with her sister's chronicles. So here we are!

My one year old Oli is a big girl now, sigh! Well, one is a big number and a milestone for an infant! People start asking you if your one-year old can walk yet, say some sensible words, strike a conversation, and has enough number of teeth to chew up a baby carrot. I don't wanna bore you all with these details. You just need to know that she's getting there with her wobbly walk and two little teeth.

The best thing about these little people is that they don't judge you and love you unconditionally. They give you unselfish hugs and spray your face with their raspberry love!

For the record, we did manage to do a smash-the-cake thing with Oli. She didn't really smash and smear it though. Just licked the cake, picked it up, and gnawed on it. Neat! :-D


My big girl San is happy in her own dreamland and hates to be disturbed. If only she could hear us better and the first time! And that is how all kids with the don't-tell-me-what-I-should-be-doing attitude are, isn't it? Just a phase, like they say! :-)


On a different note, I wonder why there are too many discussions/debates/articles on being a stay-at-home-mom versus a working mom around! Leave the Moms alone and let them do their jobs, home or outside home. Their choices, their business. Who needs anyone's opinion about them?