Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Scary something, Scared San

Nights aren't so happy for us since two days cuz' San keeps waking up every now and then, crying and scared. Yesterday night, she woke up with a start, came to me, hugged me tight, and slept with me that way. I wonder if it is her dreams. Or maybe she saw something scary on TV. I don't think so, cuz' we don't let her watch any such stuff. So, no clue! Today morning, I asked her about it.

San, what scares you at night?
It's the scary thing.
What thing?
That thing! (pointing towards the blinds on the patio door)
What? Where?
See, the scary thing is going out, and it'll come back again!
I don't see anything, San. What is it??
Scary, Mommy.
San, Mom and Dad are there to protect you.
But where are the angels? You said that they'll come to protect me!
They come at night when you're asleep.
But I didn't see them, Mommy!
Cuz' you were sleeping, San.

I wonder what/who is bothering her at night! I wish I could find out.