Friday, July 27, 2012

San says some more

The news is that San can pedal her tricycle now. All thanks to Papa dear! :) Last evening, San was showing off her pedaling skills to me and going very fast. She said, "Look Mommy! I'm fasting!"

We were taking a walk and San spotted a bunch of kids playing basketball. She said, "Mommy see! They're playing soccer."

Yesterday, we were looking at the profiles of the players who are taking part in the Olympics this year. She was watching curiously. Papa dear asked San what she'd like to play - hockey or badminton. She answered, "Hockey in snow".


Wanna hear something about the Terrible Twos? They're on, and getting worse. A lot of screaming, heaps of stubbornness, loads of furious bubble-blowing, and some biting too. It's just a phase and it shall pass. Phew!

Monday, July 23, 2012

San says

Tired (and tanned) after a hectic, but an interesting trip to the East Coast, I almost ignored this poor blog and kept delaying this update... no excuses! I owe a big sorry to the blog! :)

San was happy with the trip cuz' she got to travel in almost all modes of transportation... plane, bus, train, boat, ship... yup, almost everything she wished to be on! :) She's been watching Caillou since a long time now, and she always use to beam at Caillou's experiences of train and plane journeys. Now she can boast of them herself! But then, she was even happier to come back home. She really missed it!


San's been talking a lot (as usual) and entertaining us with her very meaningful sentences. Let me share some cute ones with you. :)

San: Help me with the puzzle, Mommy!
Me: I'm ironing Papa's shirts right now. I'll help you later.
San: Papa won't go to office again today. Do it tomorrow, Mommy.


San: Dolly is my friend. Pinky is not my friend.
Me: Why is Pinky not your friend?
San: Pinky is not happy, Mommy.
Me: Are you happy?
San: I'm not happy, Mommy. I'm Saanvi!
