Monday, May 19, 2014

Let them be

Been two months since I last posted here! Was traveling yet again. San's holidays are on and we were on meet-the-grandparents mission. And that's how we spend the summer vacations in India! :-)

About San, she is just growing naughtier and more talkative, which is very natural. What else will they be like! She's been on a drawing spree these holidays and that reflects in the Mothers Day card that she gave me. :)

And here's something that she drew in an event at Papa's office:

And this reminds me of something that I wanted to talk about. About letting the kids be, and this is something that I did talk about earlier. At the event I just mentioned, we saw parents pushing their kids to draw the they way they wanted them to, correcting them at every stroke, trying to make their very natural and innocent sketches perfect. Even going to the extent of drawing for them. Why? So that they can win a certificate, which you can flaunt everywhere? So that you can tell the world how good they are at something that is more you than them?

I too find myself pushing San at times... nagging her, correcting her, perfecting her. And later, I feel bad about it. There's something inside us that pushes us to push them. We need to control that urge to perfect them all the time.

Kids are fine the way they are. We don't have to make them look good all the time. They are fine... just fine!

How often do you find yourselves doing this?


  1. I think every parent does that at one point or the other. The key is to find the balance and a way to stop ourselves. Apt title :) They need to find their own path and not the one we define for them.

  2. you has been to see grandparents in India. San has lovely time in holiday in the Mothers day card for Mum. and kids are fine the way them self happy time.

    1. True, Michiko. They are fine the way they are.

  3. Kids learn Make mistakes But i agree with u Divy

    I see such things also.Parents pushing and pushing..And the results are????
    stress with 6 -12 year olds. We had that topic in news paper last saterday Kids need to run from this hobby to that hobby Go to school make home work and get 10 ( A ) why?
    let kids play and be a kid. We all need to grow up Even the Parents These days kids are not allowed to be kid. Horrible. San draws her drawing and thats beautiful. Always.

    1. It's a very competitive world for kids, Marij. We need to slow down and give ourselves and them a break.

  4. A gentle guidance where needed is perfectly fine.Their creativity should not be smothered.
    When asked to sing or dance or speak,some nudge is in order when the kids refuse.
    San draws well imaginatively

    1. Yes, Partha. They need to be allowed more freedom and ore harmless mistakes. :)

  5. Love her drawings Div! Colourful and detailed. As for perfect kids, such thing. and no perfect parent either. But yeah, balance is a good thing to find. If we totally give in, we raise a selfish child. If we are too strict, we raise a timid child. Balance....but hard to find that balance isn't it.

  6. But her drawings are perfect!! No need to correct her at all, na?!! Do encourage her, Divoo, to keep drawing and creating!


What do you say? :-)