Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Little hands at work

San's suddenly all grown up and she never ceases to surprise us!

So yesterday, while I was on phone with a friend, I happened to notice that she's taking the clothes out of the dryer and taking them to the bedroom. With little heaps of clothes in her little hands, she made at least five trips to the bedroom and finally emptied the dryer. The surprise part is that she'd neatly piled up the clothes on the bed for me to fold. Aww! More surprise - she cleaned all the lint from the filter of the dryer and put it back nicely. More aww! I always get amazed at how kids learn by observation, and don't miss any detail when they replicate our actions.

Wanna hear more? This morning, I found the kitchen's trash can neatly lined up with four big trash bags! :-)

San can almost say the complete rhymes now and count till fifteen (thanks to Sesame Street and Papa dear!) :-)


  1. oh my goodness!!! Fabulous little helper!! Make full use of it now while she's at it. ;P or pray that this phase will never pass. haha.. :) so wonderful!

  2. You are very lucky to your daughters learnt ONLY GOOD THING from you:-)
    You need to be carfully what you are doing a day by days ha ha ha
    She is became a big helper though next time you can have a little baby boy:-)
    Enjoy with your little ones!


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