Monday, October 29, 2012

My flu-stricken l'll red devil

San and I have been a bit under the weather, and still are, thanks to the great coldy (San's vocab) weather that made an abrupt appearance. But then, it's getting better with all the sunshine! And among all the sniffles and coughs, we managed to be a part of a Halloween Party over the weekend. Although the theme was evil, I still managed to be a 'good witch', only for San. :) We also managed to get her into the little devil costume by convincing her that it's a red cat costume! ;)

For our first ever Halloween party, I decided to bake a 'cemetery cake' and make it look (only look, not taste) as gross as possible. When I showed it to San, I expected her to say 'yucky', but she said 'yummy' instead! :P What would you say?

San's Halloween class party is yet to come and she's all excited to wear her Dora-inspired costume (not a Dora costume for sure!) for it. :-)


Lemme also tell you that San totally loves her medicine! She wasn't very keen to have it from the little measuring cup or a medicine dispenser, so she brought a straw and offered to drink it straight out of the bottle! :D And the best part is that each time you ask her how she is, she tells you that she's doing fine, and good. I'm happy that she doesn't put up a drama when she's not well, just like I do! :P


  1. wow! So much to comment on, but first, love her costume!! She looks so cute in it!!!! Love your cemetery cake!! What did you use for the tombstones? And, she's so cute about her medicine!! Little a also loves take med but he has yet to think about the straw to bottle option!! LOL!!

    1. For the tombstones, I used Milano Milk Chocolate Cookies. They do the job well! :)

  2. I don't think your cake is scary at all. I liked the mouses and tombstones. Were they ready to use or you created them? And San as always is as cute as a doll. Her costume is making her look even more cuter.

    1. The mice are those stretchy ones that kids play (and scare people) with and the tombstones are milk chocolate cookies. :)

  3. that looks like a cake to RIP :P

    hope San enjoys her party

    1. yes, Deeps :D she's waiting desperately for the party!

  4. I loved the idea of your scary-looking but tasty cake!

    Drinking tonic by straw! Haha! Cough syrups must be the new cola for san.

    San looks so cute and innocent in the costume that I would prefer to call her a 'red cat' instead of 'red devil'

    1. ye, she knows the costume as 'red cat' costume cuz' she doesn't know what a devil is! :)

  5. I love the cake (the sight of it, I mean). It sure looks yummy, mummy :D

    1. yup, it was yummy, amby! especially those pieces where the mice had already 'dug in'. :D

  6. I'd say the cake looks yummy :). She n Jo can shake hands. Both love medicine! I hope you're both recovering well. Take lots of rest n get well soon k. :)

  7. San's! You don't know to what is to costume to used? I need thinking about what is my test?
    I will looking for your yummy test? what one will be ones....
    Be back to find out yours specially one San's???

  8. hey, It s Diwali here as you know...

    Happy Diwali to you three :P

  9. Are you all ok already? Just concerned. Happy deepavali by the way. That's what we call it here. Take care ya.


What do you say? :-)