Monday, December 31, 2012

Friendly or over-friendly?

We're back,  minus the bang! :-p The 7-week long trip to India was a refresher, minus the illnesses, the hectic travel, and the flight delays during our return. 

San had a great time with her grannies, grandpas, cousins, uncles and aunts! It was definitely a big change for her, people-wise and atmosphere-wise, but she embraced it happily, apart from the initial days when she used to find everything 'yucky' and refused to use the 'squat toilet' (also known as the Indian-style toilet) at one particular place, because she found it 'scary'! :) 

Her friendliness surprised us at times, and it was getting better with time. She mingled well with everyone in our family, like she's known them for years. But outside the family, San's friendly attitude scared us. She has this ability to walk up to anyone and make friends within seconds! In the shops, in the restaurants, at the airport, in the flight - she made friends everywhere. It felt like she's forgotten the world, her parents, and everything else for those 'friends'. It's scary, very scary, at times. And I wonder if it is time to talk to her about Stranger Danger!

All's well that ends well, and it ended very well for San. Her Christmas gift was waiting in the garage (for a change) when we returned. And her happiness knew no bounds when she saw her 'kitchen'! :)

Signing off with my last post of this year! Wish you all a very happy 2013! :)


  1. Best wishes for a happy New Year to you and your family.

  2. Wish you a very happy new year :) and the kitchen looks awesome :)

  3. i understand how u feel Divy Cos kids are innocent and walk away with every one. She is a doll so everyones attention go to ur lady.

    and abt the toilets.. haha what will i say Yekki?!! haha
    i wish also for u and family a wonderful healthy new Year with ups and downs But most of all Love

    1. yes, that's exactly what she says Marij! Yekki! :D

  4. Happy New Year Div. I know the feeling when kids are over frendly. My oldest used to be like that, and has walked off wth strangers before! Then she changed and became cautious. The second started off cautious and s now too friendly. Theyll change with time, but I do warn them of strangers. ths world after all, is not the same as the one we grew up in.

    1. thanks for sharing your experience, Martha! yes, kids change with time, and San too has. I hope she soon understands how to react to strangers.

  5. what a cute kitchen and what an adorable expression!!

  6. Happy New Year Divy!
    San's felling sink yucky toilet it old type of the old tips Japanese's one ha ha ha
    But Grannies,Grandpas will make San's and you happy so much.
    When Sans come home back to happy again!

    1. yes, Michi! she was very happy with her grandparents and happy to be back too. :)

  7. Loved Sanu's happy face :) May she keep smiling....
    Glad know you enjoyed...


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