Thursday, December 19, 2013

Proud moments

School is a happy place now, and even the school van, for San. What more can we ask for? :-) She goes happy, returns happy, and loves her homework!

Two proud moments:

In a theme-based fancy dress competition at her school, San dressed up as a tailor and, very confidently, recited her lines on the stage. We were very impressed, because we'd only half expected her to speak up on stage. Prizes obviously don't matter. What matters is the confidence that kids show and how they overcome their stage fear. Definitely a proud moment for us to see her like that on the stage, and also the participation certificate that she received. :)

Yesterday, she sung the complete National Anthem, Jana Gana Mana (, on phone for her grandparents. I cannot express how proud I felt!! *happy tears*


  1. :) put some pics of her ...

  2. I can totally understand how proud you must have felt!!! Hugs...

  3. So San is fully settled back in India ...
    wonderful days for a mom :)

  4. The credit goes in large measure to you for her confidence and talent

    1. Thanks, Partha! But I'll give the complete credit to her. :)

  5. i m doing fine, got 2 more titles out recently :)
    enjoy the festive season ahead..
    may you have a grace-filled Christmas and Happy New Year


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