With the start of the New Year, I kick-started the toughest job (according to me): San's toilet training! Yup, accidents did happen the first two days, but San did a good job thereafter. So, I finally decided to continue the same at school.
Yesterday was her first diaper-free day at school. I'd sent several clothes and training pants along with her, cuz' I was sure that she's gonna wet at least one pair. I was prepared to come back with a pile of soiled clothes, but, to my surprise and her teacher's surprise, she stayed dry all day! Her teacher was so glad that she used the potty seat very well and praised her for that. Another proud moment for a parent! I was all smiles like the earlier moment. :D I again wanted to brag about how well San is doing at home, but I again kept shut. Haha!
Every small step in the biggest of the tasks feels like an achievement. It might be no big deal, but I can't help feeling proud and happy about it. And I also can't help bragging about it to my friends, just like all Mommies do. Ah! What a happy Mommy I am! :-D
So, San is just one step away from the diaper-free days. Her nighttime diaper has to go!
San has started enjoying school and adores her teacher. Yesterday night, when she was half-asleep, she told me that she wants to go to school, to Miss Vera, her teacher. I now think about her first few days at school, when I used to wonder when she'd start liking the school. It has happened, finally!
Yesterday, she was dancing around with two candies that she picked up at a friend's place. Another friend's boy was eyeing the candies, and San was kinda teasing her with them. The boy finally walked up to San. San got into a defensive mode and uttered a mean 'MINE'! And sent me in a state of shock. She did give him a candy later, but I'm not so happy with the new word that she has learnt. :-s
Yesterday was her first diaper-free day at school. I'd sent several clothes and training pants along with her, cuz' I was sure that she's gonna wet at least one pair. I was prepared to come back with a pile of soiled clothes, but, to my surprise and her teacher's surprise, she stayed dry all day! Her teacher was so glad that she used the potty seat very well and praised her for that. Another proud moment for a parent! I was all smiles like the earlier moment. :D I again wanted to brag about how well San is doing at home, but I again kept shut. Haha!

So, San is just one step away from the diaper-free days. Her nighttime diaper has to go!
San has started enjoying school and adores her teacher. Yesterday night, when she was half-asleep, she told me that she wants to go to school, to Miss Vera, her teacher. I now think about her first few days at school, when I used to wonder when she'd start liking the school. It has happened, finally!
Yesterday, she was dancing around with two candies that she picked up at a friend's place. Another friend's boy was eyeing the candies, and San was kinda teasing her with them. The boy finally walked up to San. San got into a defensive mode and uttered a mean 'MINE'! And sent me in a state of shock. She did give him a candy later, but I'm not so happy with the new word that she has learnt. :-s