Been four big months since Oli came! She is growing well, and so is San, the wonderful big sister.
Although San always finds time to do 'nothing' and get bored in the summer vacation, she has successfully added another set of Oli-related chores to her biodata. :D Like bottle-feeding Oli when Mommy is busy, using the bottle warmer to warm her milk, patting her to sleep, installing the pacifier in her mouth (that's the tricky one cuz Oli hates pacifiers :p). She did earn a few dollars by changing Oli's wet diapers a few times, but now she has quit bcuz' this chore doesn't smell so good now! :))
Because I hardly get much time to play with San these days, she gets upset over it at times.
"Mommy, why do always have so much work ?"
"Because everyone needs to eat, the house and the dishes needs to be cleaned, Oli needs to be fed and bathed and put to sleep, and..."
"But we can do all of this! You take rest and play with me!"
"So who is gonna do all the household work?"
"Who is gonna take care of Oli?"
"Me. You can just feed her when you want to."
"And who will do Papa's office work then?"
"Of course, Papa!"
"Then Papa will get tired!"
"No, he's super Papa!"
And Papa dear happily agrees to all of this. :))
"Are you still writing about me in the chronicles, Mommy?", San asked me the other day.
"Yes, I am."
"Okay, you need to start writing about Oli now!"
So, here you go!
Oli, my little darling, is a happy, excited, fidgety, drooling-forever, raspberry-blowing baby! And because she chews and licks anything that she can catch hold of, San calls her 'the hungry caterpillar'! :D
I might need to change my blog's name to something else. Something that makes both San and Oli happy. Any suggestions? :)