Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Roller Coasters and all

We've recently been on two little vacations, and I got to see another side of San - the one who loves roller coasters! She loved all the big, giant, scary roller coasters/rides!

I, ahem, avoid the ones that turn you upside down, especially in air, when you have nowhere to go. Or the ones that drop you straight down, gulp! And the ones that spin you around in air, phew! Anyway, I was so proud to see San go on all these extreme rides without batting an eyelid, literally! And, at the same time, I felt bad cuz' I couldn't accompany her on all of them *face-palm*! All those times when I did accompany her and screamed my lungs out, she had this cold look on her face when she asked, "Why do you scream like that, Mommy?" I tell her, "Screaming is good, and fun! It takes away the fear." Nah, not always! :D


Our little Oli is growing up fast (yeah, they always do). She's in the parrot mode these days, repeating our every little word, sentence, or action. Time to be careful! But then, it's funny when they copy you like that. You feel like saying some things over and over again just so you can hear them say it in their cute, funny voice.

I must admit that I'm being a bit lazy with Oli. Letting her learn on her own by observing us (and her toys), giving her a pencil and paper and letting her figure out the lines and shapes and scribbles, or just delegating some learning tasks to San cuz' she's the big sister and she is supposed to teach her stuff. How smart! :D There are kids her age who can say A-Z, recite complete rhymes in their cute voice, and say complete sentences. Then I look back at San's videos when she was around this age, and I see that she was good at all of this. But then, we can't compare, right? All kids are different, like they say. They learn things, eventually. Why worry? (Oh yeah, I'm worried about her toilet training. I have no clue how to go about it. Nah, I don't need advice. I know what to do. But, I don't know how! I'll figure out.)


Happy New Year, you all!

On a different note...

Wouldn't it be better to give yourself a time out at times?
Imagine all the peace!! :D I hope so!