The big move happened three months ago and I'm still trying to take it all in, slowly. San's busy with school, Papa dear with work, Oli with all the growing up, and me, just trying to soak it all in, like a good sponge that has gotten old with all the soaking. Sigh! I hate long sentences, but I can't do without them!
Sometimes, it feels like the time has stopped, even with a lot happening around me. Among all the diaper changes, housework, getting San to do things faster, and singing rhymes to Oli, there's always a part of my brain that is stuck in the past. The part that refuses to move on. It's hard. And it's harder to keep my mind away from this blankness, friendlessness, sluggishness, and the can't-move-on-ness!
And that was all about me.
Moving on to the girls, my tomboy is getting grumpier, more teenagerish, and harder to please. And like people always say, it's just a phase (it just might be the longest one)! She always surprises us with new words and tantrums. And then, we have the usual arguments over clothes, colors, looks, shoes, games, books, tv, and just every little thing that can be argued about. School's good, as always, but she desperately needs some good friends around.
The little one is a happy, giggly, talkative, Mommy-lover baby, who has gotten into a habit of waking everyone up at 2 am with her inconsolable cries, which only go away when she's been offered a bottle of milk, and that's something I do not want to make a part of her routine. And the happiest part is the way she scoots from one corner to another, and her successful entry into the kitchen!
Life's good anyway. On a lighter note,
Sometimes, it feels like the time has stopped, even with a lot happening around me. Among all the diaper changes, housework, getting San to do things faster, and singing rhymes to Oli, there's always a part of my brain that is stuck in the past. The part that refuses to move on. It's hard. And it's harder to keep my mind away from this blankness, friendlessness, sluggishness, and the can't-move-on-ness!
And that was all about me.
Moving on to the girls, my tomboy is getting grumpier, more teenagerish, and harder to please. And like people always say, it's just a phase (it just might be the longest one)! She always surprises us with new words and tantrums. And then, we have the usual arguments over clothes, colors, looks, shoes, games, books, tv, and just every little thing that can be argued about. School's good, as always, but she desperately needs some good friends around.
The little one is a happy, giggly, talkative, Mommy-lover baby, who has gotten into a habit of waking everyone up at 2 am with her inconsolable cries, which only go away when she's been offered a bottle of milk, and that's something I do not want to make a part of her routine. And the happiest part is the way she scoots from one corner to another, and her successful entry into the kitchen!
*hides face*