Friday, September 14, 2012

Mommy broke Papa!

San asked a very tired me for a story last night, and I wasn't in a mood to create one. So I asked San to tell me a story instead. Here goes:

Once upon a time, there was a princess. Her name was Saanvi. Saanvi and Chintu (that is San's nick) went for a walk. They were walking and Chintu's Papa came from behind, and boo Chintu. Mommy was behind Papa. Mommy fell down Papa. Papa said, "O Man!" Mommy stepped on Papa, and Papa broke!

This one had me rolling with laughter for almost half an hour, but later, I realized how villainous I was in her story! 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wanna play fetch?

"Mommy, Mommy, I'm a doggie!" (says San with her tongue sticking out)
"Take this ball and throw it." (hands me an imaginary ball, which I pretend to throw)
"Say fetch, Mommy, say fetch!"
San goes and fetches the ball, brings it back to me, holding it in her mouth. Pants, while sticking her tongue out.
"Say 'Eww, sticky ball', Mommy."
"Eww! Sticky ball!"

That's what we do (play) quite frequently these days. So, when San plays 'catch' with Papa, she tends to say 'fetch' at times. :D

Here's a little story that I overheard while San was telling it to her dolly.
Once upon a time, there was a dinosaur. Dinosaur went for a walk. Dinosaur was hungry. Dinosaur went to Walmart and ate apples. Dinosaur was happy. The end!