With two kids, it's a different world at home. There have been times when both the girls were super-hungry at the same time, or wanted all attention at the same time. San, obviously, is expected to behave like the elder sister and wait until the little one has been taken care of. And that's the case only when Papa dear isn't around. Otherwise he, as a SuperDad, handles all three of us like a charm. I wish I had his skills!
San is a wonderful big sister. She tries her best to handle most of her things herself so that I can concentrate on taking care of Oli while I am at it. When she sees that Oli is finally asleep and Mommy has a little time on her hands, all she needs from me is watch TV with her, play games with her, or just do some fun, silly stuff. And at those times, "sleep when your baby sleeps" doesn't apply.
San's maturity amazes me. She is always ready to help me with little things around the house and bears my mood swings without complaining. I, as a Mommy, try my best to give her as much care and attention as I can. Feels less, somehow. There's a guilt about not being able to divide my time perfectly between the girls. At the end of each day, I think about things that I could have done differently, or better. Things I shouldn't have said or done. Things I could have done.
Some situations overwhelm me. I panic easily. I'm glad that I have Daddy cool around to sail me through them. And San, who always assures me that I'm the best Mom. I need to learn a lot from them. Such wonderful teachers I have at home.