Friday, November 29, 2013

School's on

San has had a happy time in school for three days now. It doesn't feel new at all at this point of time. Feels like she's been going since a long time.

The only new things for her are the classwork and the homework. The first day she wondered why she needs to write 1-50 all over again when she's already done it in school. She anyway does the homework for two reasons: to make the teacher happy and to get a star on her homework.

The only thing she misses in school is the playtime. There's none of it. I wonder why!

It's the same old story with her lunch. It comes back half-eaten. Sigh!

Now that she's out in this big, big world, and given her very friendly nature, I feel the need to give her a dose of stranger-danger. How frequently do you tell your children about stranger danger?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

New school, another first day

Today's another first day at school for San! After almost a 4-month long break, she's finally back to school...her new school! :) She is obviously very excited about it, and not all anxious. She did have a question, though. "What time is the play time at school?"

There's a huge difference between how the preschools work, look, and feel in US and in India. We get concerned about how our kids will adapt to the new environment, but they're smart. With little, and at times, no help, they find their way into the new world. But Moms will be Moms. Always concerned. Forever concerned.

I'm not even the pickup and drop person now. It's her school van. More concern for the Mom! San waved to me happily from her new ride to school. I expected her to get a little anxious at this point of time. I thought that I'd give her a big, comforting hug then. She didn't even wait for the goodbye hug. I shouldn't expect anything now. Mommyness!

And here are the "Then" and "Now" pictures that I was eager to post :)

First day at school - Nov 2011 - Houston

First day at school - Nov 2013 - Pune

San has undergone some new, not-so-great behavioral changes, thanks to the loads of pamper and attention that she was subjected to on her recent trip to her grandparents'. Hopefully, hew new routine will mend a few things. Nothing and no one else can.