I hope you noticed that I changed the blog title and address to include Oli's name. I'd been meaning to do this since quite some time now, but then people had started asking me how I plan to write about Oli, and it had to be along with her sister's chronicles. So here we are!
My one year old Oli is a big girl now, sigh! Well, one is a big number and a milestone for an infant! People start asking you if your one-year old can walk yet, say some sensible words, strike a conversation, and has enough number of teeth to chew up a baby carrot. I don't wanna bore you all with these details. You just need to know that she's getting there with her wobbly walk and two little teeth.
The best thing about these little people is that they don't judge you and love you unconditionally. They give you unselfish hugs and spray your face with their raspberry love!
For the record, we did manage to do a smash-the-cake thing with Oli. She didn't really smash and smear it though. Just licked the cake, picked it up, and gnawed on it. Neat! :-D
My big girl San is happy in her own dreamland and hates to be disturbed. If only she could hear us better and the first time! And that is how all kids with the don't-tell-me-what-I-should-be-doing attitude are, isn't it? Just a phase, like they say! :-)
My one year old Oli is a big girl now, sigh! Well, one is a big number and a milestone for an infant! People start asking you if your one-year old can walk yet, say some sensible words, strike a conversation, and has enough number of teeth to chew up a baby carrot. I don't wanna bore you all with these details. You just need to know that she's getting there with her wobbly walk and two little teeth.

For the record, we did manage to do a smash-the-cake thing with Oli. She didn't really smash and smear it though. Just licked the cake, picked it up, and gnawed on it. Neat! :-D
My big girl San is happy in her own dreamland and hates to be disturbed. If only she could hear us better and the first time! And that is how all kids with the don't-tell-me-what-I-should-be-doing attitude are, isn't it? Just a phase, like they say! :-)
On a different note, I wonder why there are too many discussions/debates/articles on being a stay-at-home-mom versus a working mom around! Leave the Moms alone and let them do their jobs, home or outside home. Their choices, their business. Who needs anyone's opinion about them?