Friday, July 24, 2020

Breakfast for lunch?

At lunchtime, Oli, in the middle of her Paw Patrol episode, hopped into the kitchen.

"Mommy, please make pancakes for me!"
"Pancakes for lunch? No. You can have pancakes for breakfast tomorrow morning."
"But I want pancakes now!"
"Sorry, pancakes are breakfast. You'll get your veggies for lunch."

She left, disappointed, and came back after a while.

"Mommy, please give me breakfast for lunch!"


And here's what Papa dear and I look like - presenting, the portraits of the day by Oli!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Of blue hair and princesses

"Why is your hair grey?, Oli asked her Grandpa today.
"Because I'm old.", he replied.
"But how did your hair turn grey? I don't like grey. I like only black and blue!"

If you were Grandpa, would you have colored your hair blue to please your granddaughter? :D


In one of the online sessions, Oli's teacher asked her the typical question - what do you want to be when you grow up? Well, I feel it's a silly question. Oli answered, "Princess!". Let me rewind to last year when they had a fancy dress competition in school and the theme was the same as this typical question. We, the typical parents, thought she'd be a good doctor and dressed her up in a doctor's coat. But she hated it, sheesh! She, just like now, wanted to be a princess! So we dressed her up in the funkiest of clothes and let her do a little ramp walk on the "Taki Taki Rumba" song. :D

Did you ever want to be any such character when you were a kid? A princess, a king, a fairy, a witch, a superhero! They can wish to be whatever they want to be, and keep working towards it, isn't it? :D