Friday, November 11, 2011

Second day at school and more

San's second day at school was better than we expected. She ate two bites of her lunch (big progress!), napped for 45 minutes (wow!), and let the teacher paint her hands and take the prints. :-)

Me: So, what did you do today?
San: Roi-Roi (Cried).
Me: What else?
San: Soi-Soi (Slept)
Me: What more?
San: Books read.
Me: And?
San: Cycle.
Me: What did the teacher do?
San: Diaper change.
Me: Hmm, what else?
San: Shush!


I wonder how much time she'd take to get comfortable with the school cuz' she goes only two days a week. She'd at least know that it's a part of the routine. :-)


School stuff aside, she's getting better at the pretend play. She now feeds me a variety of stuff (all imaginary) and makes sure that I chew it! She loves to take her baby doll for a ride in the stroller, feed her, and change her diaper (complete with a changing pad and wipes).

And she still loves to clean up, trash stuff, and make sure that the trash can is locked at all times. :D

Now that she's started greeting her Papa dear with 'Ola!' instead of 'Hello', he wants her to stop watching Dora and switch back to Elmo and Barney. :-D


  1. hey Div, you shifted again. :) Are you avoiding a stalker? kidding.
    Your Sans so cute. Is that baby language or is it Hindi (soi and roi)?

  2. i think San talks more than one language haha and parents understand i think
    she is a doll..and i know ur both proud as hell

  3. @Martha: haha, no stalkers for me yet! :D i just wanted to rename the blog. :) yes, that's the baby version of Hindi :)

    @Marij: yup, she speaks Hindi and English... a mix, mostly! :)

  4. Hi Divoo,
    What lovely to watched your daughter growing day by day...
    Love to visit you in here.
    Thank you for visit Divoo.


What do you say? :-)