Friday, February 01, 2013

I, Me, Mine

San licked off the last hint of food from her plate and then looked at her tummy. Then looked at herself, top to bottom. "I'm not growing, Mommy!", she said.

I wanted to tell her how much she has grown. From that cute little shy one to another cute little occasionally-shy one, who is also a meanie at times. Here I go again! So what do kids understand about being mean?

"You're my mean little girl who doesn't share, right?"
"Are you my good little girl?"
*Nods a Big Yes*
"Will you share your toys with Sam, then?"

And when Sam doesn't share her toys with her, San complains to her Mommy.
"Look Auntie, Sam is not sharing her book with me!"
Yes, baby! You're the one who has perfected the art of sharing in this big, mean world.
Oh BTW, Sam and San are best friends! We call them 'The Inseparables'. :o)

Why, anyway, am I being so sarcastic? San knows nothing about being mean.

I call it the 'I, Me, Mine' phase. And that is all I can do; wait and let the phase pass, like the other phases did. Will it? I'm not sure. Aren't we all a bit of the 'I, Me, Mine' type?

We recently shifted to a new apartment, and now, San has a brand new little room, all for herself. Papa dear and I are keenly looking for a simple, sweet theme to use in her room. Exciting days ahead! :D And San proudly sleeps in her room, all by herself, waking up only to address the nature's call at night. Yay!

I proudly present San's first 'a-typical-scenery' drawing, complete with sky, sun, birds, trees, pond, and Papa dear walking on grass... tada!


  1. When her room is ready ,post the pics in the blog.Choose an apt colour for her room.She should find it her own pleasant retreat.
    Decorate the walls with joyous pictures.Have a small table and chair for her to sit and draw.I see a budding artist in her!!Have a night light since she is sleeping alone there.
    It must be great fun to watch her grwoing little by little.

    1. Thanks for the suggestions, Partha. :) Yes, we've put a night light in her room. It already looks pleasant, but we want to do more without cluttering it. Will surely post the pix when it is ready. :)

  2. Papa dear seems to be missing a torso!! :D How about using that pic as a theme for her room?!!

    1. haha! yes, all her figures are torso-less. :D we did think about doing a scenery kind of a thing... still thinking. :)

  3. Its her first sleep alone Divy? I had no idea she was still sleeping with u guys?
    Im just curious as im always lol
    San will have her own lil house now. Her private room. She grows fast Divy.
    and she wants to grow faster ..In few moments there is a mr Handsome knocking at ur door to take her to a dance room
    Enjoy the weekend Have fun with ur lil princess.

    1. yep, she used to sleep in our room, but on her own bed. since day 1, she'd always had a separate bed to sleep on, but never a separate room until now. :) she's very excited about her new room. it's like a small world for her. parents always want the time to crawl, but the kids grow in the blink of an eye!

    2. Now she has her own territory and i think for u guys not a day to
      just kidding

  4. That drawing is so cute. I hope you scan it and save it ;)!
    I think I will have to agree with the I, Me, Mine concept. True... my kids are 7 and God knows when this phase gets over(does it get over...ever?)

    1. hmm, so now I can be sure that it never ends! :)

  5. oh how beautiful the picture. :) Brngs back memories of when my kid's drawings of me consisted of just a circle and 2 legs. hahaha...:) So wonderful too that Sans is willing to sleep in her own room. Well done Sans. :)

    1. yup! their drawings are a treat to watch! and they grow as they grow. :)

  6. That typical-scenery should be preserved.
    She will admire it later.

  7. Wow she sleeps alone in her room, i am impressed...
    good that you have taken a pic of her drawing, she would love to look at it when she grows up...


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