Monday, April 23, 2012

Terrible Twos, what ARE you?

Suddenly, I feel that I'm experiencing the peak of San's Terrible Twos. She's become whiny; if you don't listen to her the first time, or happen to ignore her because you're busy, or because she is in a crazy mood, she acts up with the worst of the whines... sigh! And she's been telling me to do things 'slowly'; things like drying her hair with a towel, making her brush her teeth, combing her hair... I wonder if I've become harsher or she's become more delicate! She always demands the opposite of what I do or offer... quite common in kids, right? Why do they do that? I wanna read her mind!

Kids change avatars like clothes. Just when you're adoring the sweetest smile that she flaunted a while ago, she'll turn it all around with the ugliest scream! But then, even after battling with the different mood swings of your kid throughout the day, you end the day with a smile on your face, as you watch the angel sleep... and you know that all's well cuz' it ended well. (unless she keeps waking you up at odd hours with her sleep-talk and screams! )

I dunno when the Terrible Twos started and I dunno when it'd end. I dunno if it is even there yet! I wonder what it is! :)


One day, for the sake of fun, I gave her the fake-long-hair-look with her towel. San calls it the Flamingo look, I wonder why!


San's new-found love: The Jungle Book. She's even memorized the title song! I'm hooked onto it along with San. :)


  1. Nice to read about San and her slowly unfolding personality! Girls, especially, get rather bossy at this age. They know what they want and how! And as for those temper tantrums...I'm still coping with those! Yes, being a mother has it's highs and lows,and mothers invariably become the punching bag, the teddy bear, the Mommy-I-can't-live-without, the idol, the peacemaker...all at once. I liked San with her 'flamingo look'....she looks like a Diva already! Happy motherhood, Div!

    1. you've nicely summed it up, Di, and with as a mother of two girls, you surely know better! :)

  2. Oh yes, those terrrible twos, but don't expect when the twos are gone, you won't have trouble.. :)I loved the flamingo look..
    Thankfully its a daughter, a boy is an alien altogether... ask me...

    1. twos will go but terrible will stay.. haha! i'm gonna be ready for worse! :)

    2. Hey I am unable to subscribe to you... :( through RSS feeds

  3. Divy

    dont worry thats normal I hear same stories from my colleagues
    so San is acting normal( well i dont think u think like that haah)
    Divy wehn u want to see skys??
    u have to see Joe?s space
    here the link
    im sure iu like
    tc and enjoy the moods of San Huggy

    1. yes Marij... everything is normal, but we always wonder why! :) thanks for the link! i'll check it out soon. :)

  4. Oh this is so very common! Anahita started with such tantrums when she was about 3.5 and I am still coping with it. Sometimes I feel she hates me, but then she can't do without me! But yes, these kiddos are very very clear about what they want.

    1. yup! those hate-looks kill me, but i know she can't do without me, so i'm happy. :D

  5. super cool
    go San go...

    perhaps she s going through her best n most imp moulding time ha?

    cute pict of her by the way

    (me changed ma blog url k?, plse update ur list)

    1. yeah, they're always going through some or the other change! thanks for reminding me to update my list, Deeps! :)

  6. Nice post. I was the official babysitter of many kids (of my siblings and cousin) and can relate to the mood swings they can have but I (kind of) managed them quite well :)

    1. you must have! :) i guess things are a lot different with your own kid. but then, with that experience, i'm sure you'd make a great father. :)

  7. Divoo!!

    Embrace this stage... it's a part of her growing up process! :-) She's discovering her personality and understanding that she is different from you and can say no to your suggestions!

    Terrible 2s continue to Terri-horrific Teens :-)! I am dreading that phase more.
    Give her loads of hugs and love. Be wise to choose your battles but when you do, stand your ground!

    Love to Saanvi Sweetie.

    1. thanks for the valuable advice, Mimi! yes, every moment, a phase is on, and we need to cope with it! :) i do get impatient at times, but then, i always manage to realize that she's growing up, and isn't a baby anymore. :D

  8. WOW....I loved the blog's interface, so colorful :)

    Nice post.

    1. thanks for dropping by! since this blog is about my daughter, i try to keep it as colorful as i can. :)

  9. Hey Div, was the same with my girls, never knew when it arrived, never realised when it passed. but it'll come and then it'll go. Till then, hang in there. :)

    1. Hey Div, how did you get your reply box to be colooured?

    2. It's been like that by default, Martha. Maybe, it is a part of the color theme that you choose for the blog. :)


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