This is something off-topic, but great! I finally got an award! The Liebster Blog award... tadaaaaa! Lemme extend my hugest thanks to Roshni, Mom of Little A and Big A, for presenting me this award!
1. Post 11 random facts about yourself.
2. Choose 11 deserving bloggers and tag them in your post.
3. Tell them you've tagged them.
4. Answer 11 questions the tagger has asked you and give 11 questions to the people you've tagged.
5. No tag backs.
1. I believe in 'forgive and forget', but I never forget.
2. I hate money matters.
3. My brain is active 24/7; I could have been a Scientist! :D
4. I always wanted to become a dancer, and I still want to.
5. I want to write a book, and I want the book to make me rich and famous.
6. I have a dentist phobia, a really bad one!
7. I'm bad at Maths.
8. I abhor the chocolate flavor (unless it's a Dairy Milk chocolate bar!)
9. I hate my nose; it's big for my face and has a dent.
10. I love mountains. I can spend my whole life with them!
11. I'm also scared of heights; so much that I feel dizzy while going up the second floor itself.
1. What has been your best moment so far in this year?
I guess the best is yet to come. Maybe, all good moments so far were the best! ;)
2. What do you hope to achieve (can be a micro goal or mega goal) by the end of this year?
Make San drink everything from a glass!
3. Which TV program do you HAVE to watch?
I don't have a TV... how cool is that! :-D
4. Which sports figure, TV personality or movie star do you most identify with? Why?
None. I'm the uniquest piece on Earth!
5. Where do you plan/hope to go for your next vacation?
A cruise to the Bahamas!
6. What trait in your spouse drives you crazy (not with desire :P)?
His patience.
7. What trait of your spouse do you admire the most?
His cool!
8. Ask your spouse the same questions (6 and 7) about yourself this time, and let us know the answers!
What drives him crazy is when I do things thoughtlessly. What he admires the most in me is my caring nature.
9. What are you currently reading?
Sherlock Holmes - Vol. 2
10. What music do you love listening to?
Lively and foot-tapping numbers.
11. Which of my questions did you hate the most?! :D
The fourth one. It's boring! :-P
Martha, Marijke, Deeps, Jaspreet, and Noor.
1. What's your favorite way to kill time?
2. Roses or Gerberas?
3. What would you do if you become invisible for a day?
4. What super-human ability would you like to possess?
5. Tea or Coffee?
6. What's your favorite season, and why?
7. Curly hair or Straight hair?
8. If you could go back and change one incident from your past, would you?
9. If you get a chance to change one thing about your country, what would it be?
10. Mountains or Beaches?
11. Your idea of a perfect birthday celebration?
Here are the rules of the Liebster Award:
1. Post 11 random facts about yourself.
2. Choose 11 deserving bloggers and tag them in your post.
3. Tell them you've tagged them.
4. Answer 11 questions the tagger has asked you and give 11 questions to the people you've tagged.
5. No tag backs.
A few random facts about me, myself:1. I believe in 'forgive and forget', but I never forget.
2. I hate money matters.
3. My brain is active 24/7; I could have been a Scientist! :D
4. I always wanted to become a dancer, and I still want to.
5. I want to write a book, and I want the book to make me rich and famous.
6. I have a dentist phobia, a really bad one!
7. I'm bad at Maths.
8. I abhor the chocolate flavor (unless it's a Dairy Milk chocolate bar!)
9. I hate my nose; it's big for my face and has a dent.
10. I love mountains. I can spend my whole life with them!
11. I'm also scared of heights; so much that I feel dizzy while going up the second floor itself.
1. What has been your best moment so far in this year?
I guess the best is yet to come. Maybe, all good moments so far were the best! ;)
2. What do you hope to achieve (can be a micro goal or mega goal) by the end of this year?
Make San drink everything from a glass!
3. Which TV program do you HAVE to watch?
I don't have a TV... how cool is that! :-D
4. Which sports figure, TV personality or movie star do you most identify with? Why?
None. I'm the uniquest piece on Earth!
5. Where do you plan/hope to go for your next vacation?
A cruise to the Bahamas!
6. What trait in your spouse drives you crazy (not with desire :P)?
His patience.
7. What trait of your spouse do you admire the most?
His cool!
8. Ask your spouse the same questions (6 and 7) about yourself this time, and let us know the answers!
What drives him crazy is when I do things thoughtlessly. What he admires the most in me is my caring nature.
9. What are you currently reading?
Sherlock Holmes - Vol. 2
10. What music do you love listening to?
Lively and foot-tapping numbers.
11. Which of my questions did you hate the most?! :D
The fourth one. It's boring! :-P
Tag 11 people? Uh oh! Not possible, but I'll tag the following:Martha, Marijke, Deeps, Jaspreet, and Noor.
And here are the questions:1. What's your favorite way to kill time?
2. Roses or Gerberas?
3. What would you do if you become invisible for a day?
4. What super-human ability would you like to possess?
5. Tea or Coffee?
6. What's your favorite season, and why?
7. Curly hair or Straight hair?
8. If you could go back and change one incident from your past, would you?
9. If you get a chance to change one thing about your country, what would it be?
10. Mountains or Beaches?
11. Your idea of a perfect birthday celebration?
And I'm done, finally! Thanks, Roshni (although it was tedious! :D).
i couldn't get the whole idea D. do i need to answer the 11 questions given at the bottom? or i have to go thru all exercise adding links & tagging peoples. am an old man now, find it difficult to understand these things.... n i dont have no friends to tag.
ReplyDeletewrite 11 random facts about yourself and answer the 11 questions given at the end... that's it. :) and you can skip tagging friends. i understand it's too much for you, Noor, but i only had a couple of friends to tag! :)
Delete11 random facts bout myself.... that’s a tough one. gimme some time. i’ll try to do it soon though. and i’ll post it on my blog.... right? then how would you get to know?
Deletewokay! will wait! :)
Deleteahahahha!! thanks for your honesty!!
DeleteYou seriously get dizzy at second floor itself? ha ha.. loved the random facts. And thanks sooooo soooo much for the award Divs.
ReplyDeleteyeah... it's very embarrassing! :( i always think i'd fall, and i can't get this thought out of my head!
Deletethe Tag game still goes on ha?
ReplyDeletegreat to see my name somewhere there haha...
yep, waiting for you to do it! :D
Deletetx Div for the tag, we have some things in common such as fear of heights, dentist phobia, active brain, dancer and mountains. hehe.. your questions:
ReplyDelete1. What's your favorite way to kill time? play piano/fb/read
2. Roses or Gerberas? Gerberas
3. What would you do if you become invisible for a day? Interesting....I don't know, I'd get bored coz noone can communicate with me. Hmmm...maybe go to the mall and try clothes and scare the sales person away? steal some diamonds? haha
4. What super-human ability would you like to possess? One blink, and the whole house is spotlessly clean.
5. Tea or Coffee? love both, but can't take much.
6. What's your favorite season, and why? Autumn...colours, coolness, melancholic. :)
7. Curly hair or Straight hair? curly. Love curls, but mine are straight with a slight wave.
8. If you could go back and change one incident from your past, would you? Yes, sevral.
9. If you get a chance to change one thing about your country, what would it be? Equality in race.
10. Mountains or Beaches? can't decide, love both.
11. Your idea of a perfect birthday celebration? with close family and friends in some lovely getaway place.
wow! good to know that we've a few things in common. :) and that super-human ability is a good one! every Mom would love to have that. :D
Delete.Hi Divy..Same as u i tond have so many friends to i do my best to answer the questions from the bottom of my heart.
ReplyDeleteWhat's your favorite way to kill time?
2. Roses or Gerberas?
Absltly Gerberas.
3. What would you do if you become invisible for a day?
watch guys in toilet..haha Krazy me..Forgive me If u like to delete U may hihi ( im in a wierd mood Divy)
4. What super-human ability would you like to possess?
Fly in the sky without engine of course Just me.
5. Tea or Coffee?
6. What's your favorite season, and why?
end of spring so i will have some sunbeams again
7. Curly hair or Straight hair?
8. If you could go back and change one incident from your past, would you?
yes i would never colour my hair again at the age of 16
9. If you get a chance to change one thing about your country, what would it be?
No more fights between other cultures.Pls PEACE.
10. Mountains or Beaches?
Beaches The Indian ocean beaches And the moonlight on the water
11. Your idea of a perfect birthday celebration?
Laying under a palm tree with a champy in the evening What do i need more>??
haha! the 3rd one is funny! :D anyone would love to do the weirdest thing when invisible, cuz' it can't be done otherwise. :) thanks for answering those questions!
Deleteur most welcome Divy.
Deleteohh i forgot nr 1...
ReplyDeletemy fav way to kill time is calling a friend in India,.and do a lot of bla bla blabla for hrs..